When my grandchildren were young, I came up with a great idea to give their parents a break.
I would gather the children from school and prepare one of their favorite dinners (noodles with burger).
We played outside if the weather permitted or did crafts and games inside. A sheet across the living room floor substituted many times for an outdoor picnic.
Before I returned them home, I always had their favorite bedtime snack available–graham crackers and milk.
They’d smash and mash the crackers in a glass or cup of milk and gobble the contents down.
The crackers can be purchased in many flavors and some are low fat. Add them to skim milk and it provides a healthier snack for children.
This is a terrific way to give busy parents a break and provide quality time with the grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
My grandchildren today still love graham crackers and milk and can always find a box of the gems in my treat cupboards.
I bet your grandchildren adore you! 💗
I hope so, Deb. Thanks for dropping by. Pat 🙂
My kids love gram crackers and milk💕
They learned that from grandma and grandpa
It must be a snack grandparents prepared. Thanks for sharing. Pat 🙂
Thanks, Deb, I hope you’re catching up. Prayers, always. Pat 🙂
They sure do LOVE their Nana!❤️
Thanks, Becky. 🙂