Since winter is going to be around for several more weeks, it might be a good time to pick up extra cold weather items. Children often lose their gloves and hats so it’s nice to have replacements on hand. Many items are on sale, and it’s a great time to purchase for now and next winter. Schools, churches, care programs, and outreach facilities are great places to donate warm clothing. Adults need items too. Winter coats, socks and boots, along with blankets are great gifts.
So, if you’re out and about and find a great deal, please remember those less fortunate and bless them with a warm winter item.
Happy New Year!
Absolutely! I know I can always use an extra pair of something. But we definitely need to think of the less fortunate and the homeless who may not have any warm clothing. Giving is rewarding and a wonderful blessing😇
Yes, it is! Keep your eye out for ways to help. Love you.
This is a great idea! Helping others blesses the heart.
It sure does. You’ve blessed many. Have a great weekend. Pat
Hi Pat.
We are blessed to live in blue skies and sunshine, but our church still collects socks and sweaters to give to the needy. Thanks for the reminder, that even in warm weather, these are items we can be shopping for. Bless you for helping us remember to be giving people. Love you. Karen
Yes, this is a great idea. I love the addition of sweaters to the list. We probably could get some good deals on those now too. Blessings to you. Love, Pat