Valentine’s Day is a time to show our love and affection.
Listed below are a few ideas on how to bless others the days prior to February 14th.
- Stick a heart shape note in a lunch bag or on a coffee mug/iced drink container telling the person how much they are appreciated.
- Tape an “I love you” sticky to your child’s bedroom door and add other notes leading up to Valentine’s Day.
- Pay it forward at a fast food drive-through, restaurant, or coffee shop and surprise someone by picking up their tab.
- Post a card on your neighbor’s door or surprise them with a special treat.
- Send a card to a Veteran.
- Deliver cookies to a service person’s family.
- Bless a shut-in with a bouquet of flowers or box of candy. Better yet, take time for a short visit.
- Prepare a meal or dessert for someone who has returned home from surgery.
- Make cookies with your children or grandchildren and deliver to a relative you don’t see often.
The ideas are endless.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cute ideas!! Happy Valentines Day!!!❤️
Patsy Reiter
It’s fun to surprise someone when they don’t expect it. Happy
Valentine’s Day too. Love, Mom
Deb Gardner Allard
These are wonderful ideas, Pat. I love the valentine bouquet and the valentines made from paper doilies. Great crafts for kids. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the beautiful valentine cookies as well. Happy Valentine’s Day this week.
Patsy Reiter
Deb, Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. I hope these ideas can be used
to bless others. Pat 🙂
Thank you for the delicious cookies Pat! Happy Valentines Day.
Patsy Reiter
You’re welcome Sheila. Glad you liked them. I made dozens. Kelsie
helped decorate the last twelve, and I used them for my post. Have
a Happy Valentine’s Day too. Pat 🙂