A fun, inexpensive outing I do with the grandchildren is an afternoon of rip-sticking. Quality time with them is minimal as they are growing older and heading in different directions. We plan an adventure once a week. Rip-sticking is at the top of their list. Sometimes we pack a picnic lunch with healthy sandwiches and snacks or pick up a pizza on the way to a fantastic local park. They wiggle and twist their rip-sticks up and down a trail that runs alongside a creek. I walk. They always travel far beyond me but group together for safety. The perfect ending to their afternoon trailblazing is a rip-stick race to the ice cream drive-in for a refreshing treat. Outdoor fun, sunshine, and healthy exercise does wonders for them and me.
What a fun grandma you are!!! Your grandchildren are blessed.
Thank you, Deb. I know for a fact that you do many fun things with your grandchildren.
Stop by again. Patsy