Get the lead out!
We’ve all heard that at one time or another. My 2024 wish for you is to move forward with energy and conviction. Whether your gain is spiritual, personal, professional or financial, let’s encourage and pray for one another to be the best we can be.
Start off the new year by setting reasonable goals (no one is perfect.) Take necessary me-time. You need to be happy and healthy to achieve your goals. Show kindness and volunteer. Being around others and helping them is a great mood booster. Exercise and eat well. Doing these things may also improve your sleep. Who’s not exhausted at the end of a busy day?
So, you should already know what my goal is. All of the above! And I do hope to put the pedal to the metal and finish my current writing projects.
You can do it!
Happy 2024!
Debra Allard
Great inspiration, Pat! I’m going to put the pedal to the metal and accomplish my goals too.
Patsy Reiter
Deb, you’re one of the hardest working people I know. You will accomplish each goal.
Happy New Year. Pat
Rhonda Gilliam
Great post! I always need some motivation at the beginning of a new year👍🏻
Patsy Reiter
Rhonda, yes you can! Mom