For years, I have gone to the same hairdresser. Ann’s shop is only a few miles away–friendly, cozy, and inviting.
Set in a country atmosphere with gardens, bird feeders, and vintage pieces, it’s a nature lover’s destination.
She gave me permission to share pictures of her outdoor haven. Enjoy!
When Ann displays her OPEN sign, customers step into a world of beauty and friendliness. Bird feeders, perennials, and garden art are stationed near the window for viewing.
I’ve often told her the shop reminds me of the one in the late eighties movie hit Steel Magnolias. A place where friendships matter and burdens are shared.
On many occasions, Ann has helped elderly neighbors, raked someone’s yard, and gone into homes for quick-clip cuts. This is just the tip of the iceberg. After a major snowstorm, she and her husband showed up in my driveway dressed in snowsuits to help shovel. I had it already cleared, so they scratched me off the list and departed for another destination.
Spring pictures
Thank you, Ann, for friendship, sharing, and one of the most memorable places to visit.
A beautiful garden haven. Thanks for sharing!
Deb, it is beautiful, and there’s always a surprise in the gardens
when I go for a haircut. Pat 🙂
What a great idea to share the beautiful photos. There are so many lovely,
caring people in the world and they don’t get recognition often. Thanks for
taking the time to honor Ann.
I’m glad you liked the post. Ann is a great lady and helpful to so many people.
Pat 🙂