As we enter the CHRISTmas season, gift giving is at the top of most everyone’s list. We spend hours selecting items for our loved ones, sometimes running from one bargain to the next. But do we consider those less fortunate? Maybe your neighbor lost his job or the parents of your children’s friends have recently separated.
I came up with an idea a few years back. I toss my loose change into an old can or empty jar. At CHRISTmastime, I give the jar to a family in need. I also include the coin wrappers. I imagine how much fun the children have counting and wrapping the change. Those quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies add up. Sometimes I hide a few loose bills inside. And when all is said and counted, the children can select a gift of choice. To sweeten the jar, I include wrapped bags of candy.
One year, I discovered that a certain aged penny was valuable. So I added that information in the jar of coins. What fun for children to search for a coin of value!
Here’s where I find most of my change:
automobile cup holder
floor mats
bottom of my purse
jean pockets
under sofa cushions
washing machine
You may have your own coin area.
This is a great mission for children as they learn about sharing and giving.
Merry Christmas!
Proverbs 22:9 (NKJ)
He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor.