Working Bee
A visit to my daughter’s home in Alabama allowed me the opportunity to take note of her husband’s beekeeping duties. I now understand how my yummy gift jars of honey are created.
I donned the protective suit (which didn’t fit me because my daughter is a size small), but the hat sufficiently covered my head. I tagged along as a ‘wanna’ bee.
Interesting facts:
The drone (male bee) does not have a stinger and has to be fed by the nurse bees.
The hive contains one queen bee, thousands of worker bees, nurse bees, guard bees, and housekeeping bees.
Honey is harvested once a year around June.
It is important to learn about bees because they play a crucial role in our environment.
The Bee Hives
My son-in-law displaying frames of bees.
Honey Money – the finished product.
. . . . . with honeycomb.
The word honey is mentioned 61 times in the Bible. (NIV)
John the Baptist survived on honey.
As much as I enjoy honey, I’ll leave the beekeeping duties to the experts.